Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Going Meg-ative: The Anti-Whitman Ads are Sad, Bad and Dangerous for Democracy

?Meeeegggg for Meg?

I mean, I admit it?s catchy.

?I?m not voting for Meeeeegggg, Meeeeegggg, Meeeeegggg...?

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association?s attack ad aimed at undermining Meg Whitman?s campaign for state Governor...

?It?s not all about Meeeeggg, Meeeeeggg, Meeegggg...?

...which depicts the former eBay CEO as a Jib-Jab-esque bobble head doll.

?Shady lady, job deporter, bobbling her bobble head."

In fact, since hearing it for the first time last week, I haven?t been able to get the tune out of my head. And isn't that the cornerstone of a decent ad? A catchy tune? Particularly, as in this case, a catchy tune which takes a bucket full of raw ?facts? and transforms them, through song, into a message which prompts even the most dunderheaded punter into outrage that a) Meg Whitman is very wealthy, b) during her time at eBay, the company outsourced two out of five jobs overseas c) something about using eminent domain to buy her neighbour?s house d) she really is very, very wealthy.

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