Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gravity Regroups For Round Two: The Personalization War

Gravity, founded by ex-MySpace execs, first launched into private beta last December.

"At a high level Gravity is an evolution on forums," I wrote when they launched. But the core of what makes Gravity special was the technology to track the Interest Graph: "Gravity has created a new way of thinking about and exploiting conversational data. They call the way they track and predict the relationships between people and things the Interest Graph (a play on Social Graph, a popular way of describing online relationships between people)."

Even though that was less than a year ago, the world has changed dramatically. Twitter opened its data stream to all comers, and Facebook has launched products that focus like a laser on building out their own Interest Graph. As a destination site and service, Gravity had a real problem - getting people to use them at all.

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