Friday, March 11, 2011

Hopskoch, A Photo Challenge App That Changes Every Day

In mobile, the big debate is apps versus mobile websites and so far it looks like apps are winning. The mobile web is still too hard to navigate for many people. Apps are self-contained and are generally better experiences. But slowly these two worlds are coming together. What if an app changed from one day to the next every time you visited it just like a website. A good example of something moving in this direction is a simple photo game that launched on the iPhone (iTunes) today called Hopskoch. The same game is on Android. You load the app and are presented with a photo mission: take a picture of someone who looks like Conan O'Brien, or take a picture of your favorite superhero. You snap the photo, upload it and get points. Every day is a different mission, and as you gain points you unlock new features in the game. Over time you will also be able to unlock different games, including trivia and location challenges. Players will also be able to create their own challenges


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